Climate, environment and disaster
risk reduction integration guidance

A tool of the
Swiss Agency for Development
and Cooperation SDC

CEDRIG is a user-
friendly risk and impact assessment
tool for systematically integrating risks
related to climate change, environmental degradation and natural hazards into development cooperation and humanitarian aid. CEDRIG enhances the overall resilience of systems and communities. It also helps users secure development achievements and avoid maladaptation in such key areas as agriculture, water, health, employment and income, education and migration.

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protects development

Mainstreaming climate and environmental
considerations and disaster risk reduction into development cooperation and humanitarian aid is a great challenge that offers unprecedented opportunities for strengthening coping capacities, for protecting lives and assets and for improving the well-being of vulnerable communities.

Combining risk and
impact perspectives

CEDRIG helps determine whether
existingand planned strategies, programmes and projects are at risk from climate change, environmental degradation or natural hazards, as well as whether these interventions could further exacerbate greenhouse gas emissions, environmental degradation or the risks of
natural hazards.

Projects Programmes Strategies


Rapid risk and impact screening
Is a detailed risk and impact assesment needed?

CEDRIG Light serves as an initial filter to determine whether an activity is at risk from climate change, environmental degradation or natural hazards or could have significant negative impacts on greenhouse gas emissions, the environment or natural hazards. The results are used to decide if a detailed assessment should be conducted. CEDRIG Light takes approximately one hour and can be conducted by one person alone.

Start with or continue implementing the activity

CEDRIG Strategic

Detailed assessment for programmes and strategies

CEDRIG Operational

Detailed assessment for projects

1. Assess risks and impacts related to climate, the environment and disaster risks

2. Select risks and impacts to be treated

3. Identify measures to be taken

Two modules – CEDRIG Strategic (for strategies and programmes) and CEDRIG Operational (for projects) – allow for more detailed assessments of risks and impacts and the identification of concrete measures. They can be conducted in the form of a participatory workshop in the field with all relevant stakeholders. The duration can vary from 1 to 3 days depending upon the scope of field visits. Preparation for the workshop entails conducting an in-depth context analysis on climate change, the environment, disaster risks and economic and political factors.

Adapt your

Risks and impacts related to the activity are effectively addressed

Better results

Take a dual perspective and assess both risks and possible negative impacts

Break the silos and integrate climate, the environment and natural hazards

Involve relevant stakeholders and stimulate a dynamic joint effort to reach a better understanding

Identify concrete measures and improve your strategy, programme or project

Easy to use

Work online, or offline and have your data easily transferred into the online version

Create your team and decide who should contribute and have access to each of your studies

Store your information and safeguard documents and pictures in various formats

Join a community of practice and exchange experiences and improve your skills